Tuesday 4 December 2012

Describing the form in drawing

The past 2 classes have been about describing the form with directional linework, that means giving the viewer information about the contours of the object you are drawing, as opposed to simply outlining it, or blocking it in with shading.

The example I did below, describes the form of a jug with lines curving around the form.

But we wanted to explore cross hatching to develop tonal differences in light and shade, so we did the exercise below of doing lines with hard pressure and closer together for the darks, then lighter and further apart for a gradual gradation from dark to light.
We did these lines over the top of each other and in different directions, to create a dense darkness of tone.

Here are some of the results of this exercise, drawing from a still life in class, set up to have tonal differences in the local value of each object, for example, the onion was lighter than the jug, but still had it's own range of darks and lights

Here the plum was darker than the mug, but still had it's own range of lights and darks.

All the items had areas darker than others, but had to be built up with a succession of of directional  lines, following the contours of the object.

The thing we need more practice on, was gauging the tonal differences in relation to the whole, as opposed to the tone next to it.

All these drawings were very competent, but we will be exploring tonal relationships after the Christmas break in spring term.

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