If you are considering submitting to the CDS AS A CANDIDATE IN THE SPRING OPEN EXHIBITION,
please read the rules and download a submission form from from below or http://www.cambridgedrawingsociety.org
Founded 1882
Annual Exhibition at the Guildhall 2014 Saturday 5th – Saturday 12th April
Title for catalogue
Price of Unframed Prints
No. of Unframed Prints*
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A LARGE LABEL of postcard size (see example on reverse of this form) should be stuck firmly to the back of each work with your name and address, the number of each work, the title, the medium and the price, and if a print, the number of unframed copies and their price, all written in BLOCK CAPITALS.
* Printers please note Rule 11.
* Printers please note Rule 11.
ANOTHER LABEL with ALL the same information should be tied to hang at least half-way down the front. ALL LABELS MUST BE FILLED IN CORRECTLY TO ENSURE AN ACCURATE CATALOGUE.
NAME&ADDRESS Title(Mr/Mrs/Miss/Other).............................................................................................................................................. (Block Capitals) ........................................................................................................................................................................................
........................................................................................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... Post code ...................................................................
TelNo. ................................................. Email ...................................................................................................................................................
Cheques to be made payable to the ‘Cambridge Drawing Society’
I understand that it is no longer possible for the Cambridge Drawing Society to insure works and that whilst
I understand that it is no longer possible for the Cambridge Drawing Society to insure works and that whilst
every care will be taken, the Society cannot be held responsible for accidental damage or loss. If elected, I am prepared to help with the organization and running of the Society.
This form must be returned to the Honorary Secretary to arrive no later than March 21st 2014. Late entries cannot be accepted.
All ART WORK must be delivered to the small hall of the Cambridge Guildhall
(side entrance) on Tuesday 1st April between 11.00am and 6.00pm
I enclose the Entry Fee of £12.00
Cash / Cheque
(delete as applicable)

Mrs Tracey Ashman, Hon. Secretary 16,DeFrevilleAvenue, Cambridge,CB41HR
Successful Applications for Membership of the Society will be notified by email on the evening of Wednesday 2nd April or by first class post on Thursday 3rd April. Printers whose work is accepted must deliver all unframed prints before the Private View on Friday 4th April.
Please note that even successful applicants will only have a maximum of two works hung in their first exhibition. Therefore all candidates for membership must collect their unhung works from the Guildhall on Thursday 3rd April between 4.00 and 6.00pm.
Collection of Unsold works of successful candidates at the end of the Exhibition
Works unsold in the Exhibition must be removed from the Guildhall at the close of the Exhibition on Saturday 12thApril between 4.30pm and 6.00pm.
THE SOCIETY REGRETS THAT IT IS UNABLE TO STORE ANY WORKS If you cannot collect yourself please make arrangements for someone to collect on your behalf
LABEL EXAMPLE for reverse of picture
Number of Work
Additional copies of this form can be downloaded from the Society website
1. Artists living within a 30-mile radius of Cambridge are eligible to apply for membership. Candidates who are elected as members and who subsequently move outside this radius will cease to be eligible to send in work for exhibition after a period of 3 years from the date of moving.
2. Exhibits may be drawings, paintings in any medium, prints (except computer-generated), ceramics or sculpture (but not domestic pottery). All work submitted must be original, whatever the medium. Candidates with pictures must submit four works accomplished in the last three years. Photographic reproductions or computer-generated, digital prints of original works executed in other media are NOT acceptable. Sculptors may submit four works, done within the last three years or a minimum of two such works supported by photographs and/or working drawings or maquettes of other work.
3. WORKS MUST NOT HAVE BEEN EXHIBITED PREVIOUSLY in the CAMBRIDGE REGION – i.e. not previously exhibited within the catchment area of the Society.
4. A total non-returnable handling fee of £12 must be paid. ALL ITEMS MUST BE FOR SALE. Cheques or crossed postal orders should be made payable to the ‘Cambridge Drawing Society’.
The Society will retain a commission of 30% on all sales.
The Application Form and handling fee must be sent to the Honorary Secretary IN ADVANCE OF
7. Delivery of Work. All work must be delivered, unpacked, to the Small Hall, Guildhall, on Tuesday 1st April, between ll.00am and 6.00pm. NO WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 6.00pm. Cars may be left outside the side entrance in Guildhall Street while works are being delivered or collected but no longer. It is advisable to leave a notice on the windscreen indicating delivery to the Exhibition. (Unfortunately this will not guarantee exemption you from a parking fine if you are take more than 5 minutes and the attendant has not seen you).
8. Information about your application: Notice of the result will be posted to you immediately after the selection of New Members on Wednesday 2nd April. In addition, every effort will be made to contact successful candidates by telephone or e-mail. Therefore, please ensure that you include your telephone number, and/or e-mail on the application form.
b) c)
d) e) f)
b) c)
d) e) f)
ALL PICTURES MUST BE FRAMED including works painted on wooden panels. The only
exception will be ‘deep edge’ canvases i.e. canvases with minimum depth of 36mm painted on
the sides and stapled on the back, not on the sides.
No "glass with clips". No plastic frames will be accepted.
All pictures must be glazed except oil paintings, acrylic on canvas or wood and egg tempera on wood.
Non-reflective glass will not be accepted because it is less transparent than ordinary glass. (Antireflective glass, which has greater transparency is acceptable).
ALL PICTURES MUST BE WELL FRAMED and fitted with D-RINGS and WIRE / CORD READY for HANGING. Please note that SCREW EYES will NOT be accepted.
Brightly coloured mounts will not be accepted
Novel or unconventional frames will be duly considered but acceptance cannot be guaranteed.
No "glass with clips". No plastic frames will be accepted.
All pictures must be glazed except oil paintings, acrylic on canvas or wood and egg tempera on wood.
Non-reflective glass will not be accepted because it is less transparent than ordinary glass. (Antireflective glass, which has greater transparency is acceptable).
ALL PICTURES MUST BE WELL FRAMED and fitted with D-RINGS and WIRE / CORD READY for HANGING. Please note that SCREW EYES will NOT be accepted.
Brightly coloured mounts will not be accepted
Novel or unconventional frames will be duly considered but acceptance cannot be guaranteed.
Sculptors are requested to provide their own plinths or appropriate supports for their works.
Sculptors are requested to provide their own plinths or appropriate supports for their works.
Please Turnover/
11. Unframed Prints. Printers are requested to mount and cover extra prints of accepted work. Each
print should be clearly labelled the with artist’s name, printing technique, title and price on the reverse.
The exact number of unframed prints indicated on the submission form must be delivered to the Guildhall
before the Private View on Friday 4th April. Unframed prints of works that are not hanging in the
exhibition may not be placed in the browser.
12. Collection of unhung work: Please come to the Large Hall in the Guildhall (via the side entrance) on Thursday Thursday 3rd April, between 4pm and 6pm. Successful candidates will be required to collect at least two works, as on this first occasion only, a maximum of two works of each new member will be exhibited. You will be asked to sign for the works, which will then be returned to you. It is regretted that owing to shortage of space in the Guildhall it impossible to store any works during the Exhibition.
13. Insurance: It is no longer possible for the Society to insure any works submitted. Exhibitors may wish to investigate their own separate cover (probably as an extension of an existing "All Risks" policy). While every care will be taken, the Society cannot be held responsible for accidental damage or loss.
14. It is assumed that, if elected, you will not object to your work being photographed for use in promoting future exhibitions; if you are concerned about this, please write to the President or Secretary.
15. Unsold, accepted works must be removed from the Guildhall at the close of the Exhibition on Saturday 12thApril between 4.30pm and 6.00pm. PLEASE DO NOT COME BEFORE 5.00pm.
A charge of £5 per day will be made on each uncollected work.
16. Each New Member is required to pay the Member's subscription of £25.00. If the Candidate is already a paid-up Friend of the Society, on being elected as a New Member, he/she should pay £15.00 to bring the subscription up to £25.00. All cheques should be made payable to ‘Cambridge Drawing Society' and sent to
John Godwood
CDS Honorary Treasurer 91 Mill Lane, Sawston Cambs, CB22 3HY
16. New Members will be expected to be prepared to play an active part in the organization and running of the Society, at Committee level, if required.
Candidates are advised to submit four works that demonstrate their particular strength. If a Candidate is selected for membership each work will then be re-assessed for inclusion in the exhibition. A maximum of two of the four works will be accepted on the first occasion.
The Selectors follow the following guidelines:
12. Collection of unhung work: Please come to the Large Hall in the Guildhall (via the side entrance) on Thursday Thursday 3rd April, between 4pm and 6pm. Successful candidates will be required to collect at least two works, as on this first occasion only, a maximum of two works of each new member will be exhibited. You will be asked to sign for the works, which will then be returned to you. It is regretted that owing to shortage of space in the Guildhall it impossible to store any works during the Exhibition.
13. Insurance: It is no longer possible for the Society to insure any works submitted. Exhibitors may wish to investigate their own separate cover (probably as an extension of an existing "All Risks" policy). While every care will be taken, the Society cannot be held responsible for accidental damage or loss.
14. It is assumed that, if elected, you will not object to your work being photographed for use in promoting future exhibitions; if you are concerned about this, please write to the President or Secretary.
15. Unsold, accepted works must be removed from the Guildhall at the close of the Exhibition on Saturday 12thApril between 4.30pm and 6.00pm. PLEASE DO NOT COME BEFORE 5.00pm.
A charge of £5 per day will be made on each uncollected work.
16. Each New Member is required to pay the Member's subscription of £25.00. If the Candidate is already a paid-up Friend of the Society, on being elected as a New Member, he/she should pay £15.00 to bring the subscription up to £25.00. All cheques should be made payable to ‘Cambridge Drawing Society' and sent to
John Godwood
CDS Honorary Treasurer 91 Mill Lane, Sawston Cambs, CB22 3HY
16. New Members will be expected to be prepared to play an active part in the organization and running of the Society, at Committee level, if required.
Candidates are advised to submit four works that demonstrate their particular strength. If a Candidate is selected for membership each work will then be re-assessed for inclusion in the exhibition. A maximum of two of the four works will be accepted on the first occasion.
The Selectors follow the following guidelines:
All Works must be technically of high standard. Candidates must demonstrate a consistent
standard of work. Irrespective of their best works, a candidate who has any pictures
considered to be of less than adequate standard will be rejected.
The avant-garde and experimental is welcome provided the experiment is clearly successful
and not merely a work showing potential.
Poorly framed works will be rejected.
Selectors will not be influenced by their own personal prejudices, likes and dislikes.
No exact copies of another artist’s work and no photographic or digital reproductions will be
The Society reserves the right to refuse any work deemed unsuitable for any reason and the
President’s decision will be final.
Additional copies of this form can be downloaded from the Society website www.cambridgedrawingsociety.org