Dear Flatters!
Here are some bits of reference from your painting holiday in Flatford Mill you asked for.
colour adjustments on iphoto as a guide
Lat 1st wash to establish overall tone, colour and value mass, add layer of masking fluid, and build up 2nd layer of wash from light to dark
Robert Brindley boat for inspiration on colour and definition
Take masking fluid off and fill in detail v loosely.
Marita's was looser than this even and I loved it, hope to put it on here : )
!st & 2nd stage washes for Scilla on plants close up. ( unfinished )
Establish areas of tonal and colour value mass, then layer up detail on top.
1st stages of Dedham high st, which we didn't visit to be built up in glazing blocks like Chris Forsey
David Parfitt paintings of woods that we all loved and had a go at : )
Plants close up for ideas and inspiration
And just to say, thank you very much everybody for being such a brilliant lot to be with as ever, please send me your paintings to add to the gallery.
See you in September! : )